Testing means verification and validation of an Application or Product
Definition: Testing is the process of identifying defects, where a defect is any variance between actual and expected results.
TESTING means "quality control"
Quality Control measures the quality of a product QUALITY ASSURANCE
Quality Assurance measures the quality of processes used to create a quality product.
Verification- whether system is right or wrong
Validation - whether system is right system or not
Testing ensures that the product manufactured is according to the specification, working perfectly and satisfying the client.
Application: Preparing according to the customer requirements is called application.
Application means customer choice, for applications alpha testing is done
E.g. Go to a hotel and order for item of your choice and that is made after you place an order.
Product: Preparing a product according to the market needs is called a product.
For products beta testing is done
E.g. Go sweet shop and buy sweets of your choice.
Risk associated is very high for a product.
Testing ensures a
- Error superior product/application
- Quality assurance to the client in terms of functionality, usability, performance and security
- Competitive edge – Time to market
- Cost cut down, economic feasibility
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